The Conflict Of Generations

The battle between young and old

Ayoub elbouga
2 min readJan 9, 2021
Photo by Jana Sabeth on Unsplash

One of the most debated subjects these days is the cost of generations. It has fueled and continues to fuel controversies in public opinion.
opinions are unanimous: young people no longer respect the elderly and their customs. This behavior has almost the same reactions in all societies worldwide.
The old saying that the young are stubborn and irresponsible. They do not speak any attention to them or to ancestral customs, seeing in this behavior a threat to the continuity of traditions and heritage. they say that the young are without experience, nor knowledge to do, that is why they must be supervised.
On the other hand, young people think that the old are overwhelmed, archived, anchored in outdated customs and habits that do not meet their expectations.
That these old people interfere in their personal affairs hinder their freedom of action and their own vision of the world. This reaction is for them synonymous with a lack of respect for their independence. Such behavior can only harm their emancipation.
In the old days, The Young of the Generation seemed to have a reputation for being much more responsible than the young people of today; perhaps the weather changes with the times.
In short, today’s young people are not as bad as we pretended, technology is part of our world, we don’t have the same values anymore, even if things have changed, young people are still big dreamers and always looking for something new.

Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

Instead of criticizing adolescents, we should teach them to take responsibility for the consequences of these choices and decisions so that they all become responsible adults.



Ayoub elbouga

Hello my name is Ayoub Elbouga I write articles for readers in a lot of domains, contact: