Why You Should Use AI In Your Company Services ?

Here Are Some Informations About The Role Of AI And how to Use It

Ayoub elbouga
3 min readJul 17, 2023
Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

Hello World! 。。 how is it going everybody. 。。 Hope u are doing Great!!.

So today we will talk about a very important topic, which is why you are a big company, a small company, or a start-up, or if you are a contractor, or you provide a specific service that solves a specific problem for us, for example, or for example if you are a programmer, or anything like this The question is, why should you use artificial intelligence in your services???????

It is very important that you use AI in your services, suppose that you are a company, and you are facing a specific problem, suppose that you are, for example, a large hotel company, and you want, for example, to increase a feature on your site, which is necessary for you to make a log, which has to talk to the user, in order to do With a request, or to ask many questions that he has, or he wants to know something, for example, … it means that there will be a dialogue between the website and the user (client). Here are those programmers who will work with this, and they will solve this problem, they will write something very complicated, not dynami, and no one else will understand that, meaning from the other that that solution is very weak.

And here comes the role of AI, we can, for example, work with people who master deep learning, solve this problem for us, and implement the neural network that does the same for us as the Natural Language procsseing, and the artifical neural network will understand what the user means, and accordingly it does the output which is like answering a question asked by that user and you start giving him suggestions based on that, the important thing is that the solution is our goal. Most importantly, I hope you understand.

Let’s assume, for example, that you want to program a smart game. Originally, most of the leading and powerful games have AI in them in a large way.

Suppose that the default player in the game is like that, you want to make him smarter, play at the same level, and become smarter, cool, here you use AI, and you use logic and algorithms for Reinforcement Learning.

This is just a simple example, all the big companies like facebook, amazon, google, youtube, spotify And many, all of them use AI in their services.

Or like if you are working on a project in Social Media or like Ecommerce or anything, like the user of what he follows to those who post posts on Maths , you give him the Suggestions of those people who post stuff related to maths like …

So the topic is very big, and very important. And do not forget the computer vision, Self Driving Cars, and the NaSA. Or like smart Systems, internet Of Things.

Thank you for reading all of this. God bless you all!!!




Ayoub elbouga

Hello my name is Ayoub Elbouga I write articles for readers in a lot of domains, contact: https://twitter.com/Elbouga_ayoub